Camping at Gaudalupe River, TX
August 28-30, 2009

Our Camping experience couldn't start and end without P'Mong, P'Euy and Tetter - a puppy. I remember getting a call from P'Mong one night. He asked if we wanted to go camping on a coming weekend with another couple Au and Lek. This was a great idea, I thought. I always wanted to camp out with my kids. Only issue I had was the timing. Since it was too short I was afraid it would be tiring. However, we thought about it and decided to go. It obviously was the right decision!

It was our first time camping but we didn't have to do any research or prepare a lot of stuff at all. Thanks to P'Mong and P'Euy.... They have a nice trailer, tents and all camping accessories.
Only thing we had to do was preparing drinks, snacks, plastic plates/spoons, blankets and our clothes/personal items.


Au and Lek met us at our house on Friday evening after work. We had to prepare the boys (and their toys) and got ready for a long drive. Sean and Luke were always excited when we would be out of town. Actually me too! who wouldn't be, right?

We left our house around 7 pm and arrived at the camping area almost 12 am. Wow! It was a long day. When we arrived there, the tent was nicely prepared for us. We chose to sleep in the tent and the others would do in the trailer. We wanted to experience everything we could even though I was a little bit scared. It was dark and so quiet!

After chatting with everyone for a while, we all went to bed since it was so late and we had a long fun day ahead of us. We made sure that we didn't forget to say a prayer for protection for tonight and tomorrow.


It was such a nice day! P'Euy, Sean and Tetter went for a walk in the morning. After they came back, we all had breakfast and prepared our lunch along with other stuff we needed to bring for canoeing. Yes! Did I say before that we were going to canoe? It was our family first time canoeing so I was excited and nervous at the same time. I didn't even know what to expect.

We had to drive for several miles to the canoe renting place. P'Mong managed everything and once we got there, the owner put all 3 canoes in the truck and drove slowly to the river. Some of us (including me) rode with him. The others walked to the river as it wasn't that far. We were only the group there!
River! I saw the river. I was scared again because I don't swim. P'Mong and P'Euy said the water is not too deep or rough. It should be shallow enough for me to stand. I felt much better. We started putting the life jacket on and loading stuff to our boats. We had to carry the boat one by one into the river. My family was in the first canoe. Au and Lek were in the second. The last one was for P'Mong, P'Euy and Tetter.

In our canoe, Sean (front seat) and P'Fung (last seat) were paddlers.
Luke and I were in the middle. It was so funny. Our canoe went round and round many times because we didn't know how to paddle the canoe. I offered Sean to help puddling a lot of times but he didn't want to give up at all. He had so much fun.
We slowly paddled, often stopped to rest and got stuck when we hit rocks. We chatted, laughed, ate snack and had a good time together. After canoeing for 1 and a half hour, we stopped to have lunch. After that, P'Fung and Luke played in the water. Luke really enjoyed it.

The view along the river was so pretty. There were a lot of trees. When I looked around, it was so peaceful. The weather was also perfect!
The river seemed to never end. Sean was a little bit nervous as he questioned what we would do if it got dark before we reached the end. After 5 hours of canoeing, we finally made it! Everyone had fun but was tired. Sean and Luke had the best time but they were so happy to see the street. They were ready to rest.

We waited for a while for a truck to pick us up. We came back to the office, returned all the boats and drove back to the camping site. On the way back, we stopped at the park area. It was so good to see a lot of people there. Everyone enjoyed getting into the water and taking some pictures!

Before it was too dark, we headed back to the camping site and prepared dinner. The food was so good. We had a lot of food. I think we had more food there than at our house. Lek was so good. He was a great griller! Everything was so delicious!
After the dinner, we took turn to take a shower. Fortunately, the bath room was not too far from our area and it was not too bad. I expected the worst :) We all then stayed in the trailer, watched TV and hung around until it was time to sleep.


It was another nice day. P'Euy and Tetter went for a walk. The rest of us enjoyed our personal time. After breakfast, we started packing up our belongings so we wouldn't leave too late.
On the way back, we stopped at Austin and visited the State Capitol. It was the first time for Au and Lek. They liked it!
My first time camping and canoeing was great even though it was too short. I know everyone had a good time. My kids had a fun experience. They wanted to do it again especially when they looked at the pictures. Thanks to P'Mong and P'Euy that they invited us. Thanks Au and Lek for coming and having fun together. We sure will do it again!

What I enjoyed:
  • Canoeing time
  • Nature...view along the river. It was so peaceful and relax.
  • The weather was perfect
  • Watching my kids having a good time.
Things I wish it could be better:
  • It was too short. I wish we had more days.
  • We got stuck a lot. There were too many rocks. I wish the water was not too shallow and it would be smoohter when we canoed.

Other trips:
Canada (Calgary, Banff, Jasper and Yoho)
Los Angeles, San Diego, Santa Monica and Venice Beach
Transit Tour in Hong Kong
Salzburg, Vienna and Prague
Southern Laos
Japan (Tokyo-Hakone-Kawagoe)
Washington State
Universal Studios, FL
NOLA and Bahamas
Las Vegas, Hoover Dam, Grand Canyon and Antalop Canyon
Paris, France
Montserrat and Barcelona, Spain
Laos (Vang Vieng and Vientien)
Disney World, FL
Skiing Red River, NM
Niagara Falls, Toronto, San Francisco and Los Angeles
Western Caribbean Cruise (Jamaica, Cayman Island and mexico)
Camping Guadalupe River, TX


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